
Original Acrylic on Canvas -

Artwork Dimensions: 180cm x 120cm

€5,500 (exclusive of international shipping)

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artist statement and inspiration

‘Love’ - This stunning original artwork on canvas is from the Skye Brothers ‘Hidden Messages’ Series created in 2020.

The first thing you need to know is colour. All paintings in the series are rendered in black, white & gold, but every painting is different. Examining the duality of life (black and white), and the role of the divine (gold), The Skye Brothers take a penetrating look at the stories we tell ourselves, and the truth that lies beneath them, through their unwavering monochromatic and metallic lens. Masterfully executed in layers that are added to or revealed, their paintings are beckoning us to explore what’s being covered up and what’s hiding in plain sight.

“And on sunny afternoons, we sit down under the great oak in the park and watch the world go by. And after a while all our thoughts and worries fade away, and we start feeling that we are disappearing, and we become absolutely transparent. And as the world goes on happening without us, all of sudden we find, under the veil of ordinary, everyday life, a different world. Divinity, hiding in plain sight. And we feel at the inner most core of our being in absolute unity with the world.”

- The Skye Brothers